1 Logics End

Logic’s End by Keith A. Robinson

Logic’s End is Keith Robinson’s first novel and the first book in the Origin’s Trilogy, a unique piece of Christian fiction book that mixes apologetics and science fiction that is excellent to give away to any seeker who’s into sci-fiction.  In the near future, when planetary space travel has become possible, a NASA planet-finder telescope discovers[…]

Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller

Offering a fresh and original perspective on life, love and redemption, Donald Miller’s ‘Blue Like Jazz’ is an engaging book for anyone seeking an encounter with God and for those who are yearning for a renewed sense of passion in life. Recommended for non-believers and seekers.  Blue Like Jazz: Non-Religious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality is[…]

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

Written by one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century, C.S. Lewis’ ‘Mere Christianity’ provides a defense of the core beliefs and truths of Christianity. Book recommended for believers and non-believers alike.  Mere Christianity is C.S. Lewis’ most popular apologetic book which are adapted from a series of BBC radio talks between[…]

Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace

‘Cold-Case Christianity’ is an excellent and compelling book that is beneficial for any audience who are open in examining the evidences for the authenticity of the Gospel and the Bible. We highly recommend this book for skeptics, seekers and even for atheists. Many atheist claims that Christians who believe in the Gospel rely solely on[…]

Simply Christian by N. T. Wright

Heralded as a worthy successor to C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity by Christianity Today, Simply Christian is an excellent resource for explaining Christianity to skeptics and unbelievers. Written by a world-renowned New Testament scholar, N. T. Wright, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense is an attempt to simplify the Christian doctrine and explaining it in a comprehensive[…]

The Insanity of Unbelief by Max Davis

Written from Max Davis’ journalistic point of view, The Insanity of Unbelief is a compassionate and thought-provoking book that we recommend for skeptics. Through his experiences and background in journalism, The Insanity of Unbelief: A Journalist’s Journey from Belief to Skepticism to Deep Faith chronicles the 30-year spiritual journey of Max Davis from his child-like belief to skepticism[…]

Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears

Bold and uncompromising, Vintage Jesus is an excellent book that targets today’s generation of teens and young adult seekers through presenting the basic truths about Jesus Christ.  Written by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears, Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions is a very engaging and  honest book that introduces the Biblical view of Jesus Christ[…]

Heaven Without Her by Kitty Foth-Regner

Heaven Without Her: A Desperate Daughter’s Search for the Heart of Her Mother’s Faith is an excellent book to give to spiritual seekers and for people who have questions about Christian faith.  This book is a compelling spiritual memoir of a libertarian feminist agnostic who discovered a dynamic faith in Christ. The author, Kitty Foth-Regner, a[…]