Written by one of the most influential Christian writers of the 20th century, C.S. Lewis’ ‘Mere Christianity’ provides a defense of the core beliefs and truths of Christianity. Book recommended for believers and non-believers alike.
Mere Christianity is C.S. Lewis’ most popular apologetic book which are adapted from a series of BBC radio talks between 1942 and 1944 while he was at Oxford during the World War II. Originally published as three separate books (The Case for Christianity, Christian Behavior, and Beyond Personality) Mere Christianity brings together what Lewis saw as the fundamental truths of the religion. Lewis defends Christianity by building a logical foundation for belief and constructing an entire theology upon that foundation. He also attempts to defeat relativism, materialism and atheism and at the same time, defending moral realism and Christian salvation.
In 2006, Mere Christianity was placed third in Christianity Today’s list of the most influential books among evangelicals since 1945. Charles Colson (Author, Born Again) conversion to Christianity resulted from his reading this book as did the conversion of Francis Collins (Author, The Language of God).
- “At the age of 25 I read this book in 1976. In the midst of its pages, I became a Christian. The conversion experience was real, it was exciting, and it was lasting. Now, 23 years later, I consider myself a child of God through the ministry of C.S. Lewis. Charles Colson, former “enforcer” of the Nixon Administration, also became a Christian reading Lewis’s Mere Christianity. I recommend it to non-believers, believers, and to outright opponents of the idea that Jesus is Lord. Why? Because Lewis strips away all the silly religious accretions that obscure the true message of this historic person known as Jesus of Nazareth. All of these notions kept me away from the faith for years, and it was exhilarating to confront, via Lewis, the Jesus who actually walked the Earth and who, 25 years ago, changed my life radically and forever. I am a lawyer who knows what evidence will stand up in a court room. Lewis has it. I have been “convicted” by that evidence, by the grace of God.” J.Thompson, Amazon Review
- “This book really challenges you to be Christian.” – J. Hougentogler, Amazon Review
- “Thank you C.S. Lewis for making me process, challenging my thinking, opening up my eyes, describing the world around me, humbling my pride, and for encouraging my pursuits.” – Carlee, Amazon Review
- “If you like to analyze and dig deep into discovery of what you do and do not believe in… this is the book for you. This book was one of the pivotal books that changed my life. A life changing scientific detail oriented book.” – M. Franzwa
- “After reading several books on a similar topic that did nothing but confuse me, I was glad that I came upon C.S. Lewis’s work. All of the other books about the existence of God are way off in their own world, and discourage anyone who feels lost in their ideas about God. This book really explained the reasons that God must exist, and then moved on to easily describe the major beliefs of Christians, without leaving anyone out in the cold on what the key issues actually are. Over and over, his words made me see even the simplest concepts of religion in a completely new light.” B. Stubblefield, Amazon Review
ISBN 0060652926, 227 pages, Publisher – Harper San Francisco