Heaven Without Her: A Desperate Daughter’s Search for the Heart of Her Mother’s Faith is an excellent book to give to spiritual seekers and for people who have questions about Christian faith.
This book is a compelling spiritual memoir of a libertarian feminist agnostic who discovered a dynamic faith in Christ. The author, Kitty Foth-Regner, a self-proclaimed feminist and a successful freelance copywriter had a full and enviable life. But when her mother developed a fatal illness, Kitty struggles to accept the fact that she is soon leaving her. Kitty found herself shaken and in despair with nothing but questions. Kitty will take the readers along her journey as she tries to find answers if God exists and if there is really a hereafter. Each chapters is filled with Kitty’s examinations and discovery about the Christian faith from different points such as historical facts, scientific discoveries, other religion’s claims and much more.
- “This is an excellent tool for witnessing. The author has presented the gospel in its entirety and dashed nearly every misconception of how to get to Heaven. It is easy to read so there may be a good chance that your beloved unbeliever would actually finish it. – A. Weitzel
- “This book is beneficial for leading other intellectuals to Christ.” – Venice Kichura, About.com
- “This book is a must read for the discriminating seeker as she sorts through and compiles evidence for faith in Christ that ultimately one cannot be dismissed..” – J. Reese, Amazon Review
- “This book will help your young unbeliever to evaluate Christian beliefs. I’m sure that Ms. Foth-Regner wrote this remarkable memoir in the hope of opening the eyes of other bright young sons and daughters from among her own baby-boomer generation. This book is a wonderful start. Read it yourself then give a copy to your own dear young unbeliever.” – C. Apker, Amazon Review
- “Ever have questions about what being a Christian means? Want to share salvation with a friend but not sure of the exact approach to take? This book is an excellent resource. As you follow the journey your eyes will be opened to the thoughts and ideas of being a Christian. You will better understand why you believe what you believe. You will enjoy taking this journey and benefit from learning more about your faith.” – Irene, Amazon Review
- “I’ve never bought up a ton of copies of books to give to friends and family before I came across this book but this one has impacted me so much I’ve given out 8 in the course of just the last few weeks! Thanks Kitty for sharing the truth with the world in a way that speaks directly to many who are searching and hurting as you were. I also loved the bibliography Kitty writes at the end of Heaven Without Her – it is full of other great books seekers or young Christians would find incredibly helpful to their pursuit of God.” – Brie, Amazon Review
- “Mrs. Foth-Regner was the ultimate skeptic, but kept after it until there was nothing left but tons of evidence pointing to Christianity and then she became a believer. Every skeptic should read this book.” Anonymous, Amazon Review
- “Every non-believer should read this book!” – Kaye, Amazon Review