Filled with message of hope and grace, Words is an excellent book to give for those who are hurting or have been hurt by any kind of abuse.
Written by Ginny Yttrup, Words is a poignant and captivating novel that offers a message of hope and healing for victims of childhood sexual abuse. Writing from the depths of her own experience, Yttrup takes the readers on a path of pain and struggle to joy and freedom. The story moves from the point of view of the main female protagonist to the other. Sierra is a successful artist who is trying to escape her own emotional torment that she lives in after losing her baby due to her own drug abuse. While she struggles to find peace, she met Kaylee, a little girl trapped by her emotional muteness, hoping that her mother will come back and take her away from a man who stole her innocence. God brings them together through a series of events, and they discover the healing mercy of the Word – Jesus Christ. Sensitively written, this book is an excellent read for people who experienced any kind of abuse.
- “Yttrup also did a brilliant job of presenting the gospel message in a reader-friendly way.” – Anonymous, Amazon Review
- “Yttrup masterfully handles difficult subjects and tough emotions, pointing characters and readers toward the One who can provide true healing.” – C. Weeks, Amazon Review
- “This book will challenge you about the ways that you think, feel and believe.” – Anonymous, Amazon Review
- “It is hard in what to say about Words overall because again it’s just one of those books you need to read. To hear the story of a little girl who is sexually abused and abandoned by her mother for drugs while having to live through the tornado-like emotions it wrecks upon her is life-changing to read! We might not relate to Kaylee’s story, but like Ginny mentions in her letter to the Reader, we all can relate to Sierra in that she is sinner in need of salvation from the sin that is plaguing her. I left this novel feeling encouraged because I know that there is hope not only for me, but every other person who has experienced abuse, pain, abandonment, loneliness, and every other feeling that has torn at our heart!” – Laura, Amazon Review
- “Such a special book that shows forgiveness and redemption is available to each of us.” – Anonymous, Amazon Review