The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

The Reason for God by Timothy Keller, Agnoticism, Skepticism, agnostics, skeptics, Christianity, books for evangelism, books, book review, evangelismUsing literature, philosophy, real-life conversations, pop culture and intellectual reasoning, The Reason for God provides powerful and rational arguments for the Christian faith and addresses the most common doubts that skeptics and non-believers bring to Christian faith. Highly recommended for both non-believers and skeptics. 

Written by the Founding Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in Age of Skepticism deals with the objections to the Christian faith and make a case for the rationality of belief in God. The first half of the book deals with what Keller believes to be the seven biggest objective doubts about Christianity: absolute truth claims, injustice, judgment and hell, science in opposition to Scripture, exclusivity, suffering and literal interpretation of the Bible. The second half of the book is devoted to examining the arguments underlying Christian beliefs. The Reason for God gives a solid platform for believers on which to stand against the backlash toward religion spawned by the Age of Skepticism. And to skeptics, atheists and agnostics, Keller provides a challenging argument for pursuing the reason for God.

  • “Having been a person who grew up in a deeply religious home then later in life experienced deep doubts and became agnostic, I very much appreciated the wisdom and reason with which Keller writes. It is clear thinking like this, combined with Gods grace, that eventually brought me back to a settled faith in Jesus Christ. I have already given this book to others who are wrestling with faith like I did.” – T. Richards, Amazon Review
  • “I have been a Christian since childhood, since six-year-old me accepted Christ sitting in the back seat of my parent’s Volkswagen van. But I have for many years struggled with questions and faith challenges for which I could find no satisfactory answer. On a trans-Pacific flight, I read this book through from front to back and, as I approached my destination, experienced what I have since called a “second conversion”. It was a moment when the numbers finally added up. It was a deeply moving experience and has changed my life.” – P. Schrock, Goodreads
  • “I’m not a particularly religious person… But I read this book after coming to the conclusion that religion was, as Karl Marx said just an opiate for the masses. My sister implored me to read it, and I’m glad I did. This is one of the best-written, least in-your-face most loving and genuine looks at Christianity I’ve ever read. I think anyone should read it – even the most ardent atheist.” – Anonymous, Amazon Review
  • “My oldest son had to have this book for a class his Senior year. He said it absolutely changed his life! He has kept it, taken it to college, and read it more that once.” – W. Webb, Amazon Review
  • “I was converted from “educated” secularism in 2003. Every objection I had is addressed by this book for my background AND it’s done by showing God in Jesus, and Jesus crucified.” – J. Crews, Goodreads
  • “Up there with ‘Mere Christianity’ as books that I’d hand an unbeliever in a heartbeat.” – J. Beeson, Amazon Review
ISBN 1594483493, 336 pages, Publisher – Riverhead Trade

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