Reinventing Jesus by J. Ed Komoszewski, M. James Sawyer and Daniel Wallace

Providing evidences for the historical validity of the Christian faith, Reinventing Jesus is an excellent book for any motivated layperson and skeptics.  Written by J. Ed Komoszewski, M. James Sawyer and Daniel B. Wallace, Reinventing Jesus: How Contemporary Skeptics Miss the Real Jesus and Mislead Popular Culture seeks to answer the most common misconceptions and lies of the[…]

Vintage Jesus by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears

Bold and uncompromising, Vintage Jesus is an excellent book that targets today’s generation of teens and young adult seekers through presenting the basic truths about Jesus Christ.  Written by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears, Vintage Jesus: Timeless Answers to Timely Questions is a very engaging and  honest book that introduces the Biblical view of Jesus Christ[…]