Frank Morison’s ‘Who Moved The Stone?’ is a must read for anyone with doubts and questions on the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Book recommended for seekers and skeptics.
Written by Albert Henry Ross under the pseudonym ‘Frank Morison’, Who Moved the Stone? : A Skeptic Looks at the Death and Resurrection of Christ is an excellent book that provides evidences supporting the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The author analyzes the events of the week leading up to the execution of Jesus Christ and the discovery of his resurrection. Who Moved the Stone was the product of Morison’s research. He was skeptical regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ and set out to disprove it. However, when compiling numerous historical documents including the four gospels, he came to be convinced to the truth of the resurrection. What began as a search to refute the resurrection soon became Morison’s testimonial how he was transformed from being a skeptic to a follower of Jesus Christ. Many people have become Christian after reading the book, and some have used the work as a reference for more work on the subject.
- “I owe Morison a great debt of gratitude. Who Moved the Stone? was an important early link in a long chain of evidence that God used to bring me into his kingdom. Morison’s stirring intellectual exploration of the historical record proved to be an excellent starting point for my spiritual investigation.” Lee Strobel, Author, The Case for Christ
- “First published in 1930, this book was of special significance to me since I read it as a 30-plus year agnostic and itcaused me to open my mind to a faith that I have for the last 25 years wholeheartedly embraced. It is quite remarkable how well the gospel stands up to what is an investigation as intensive as a brief for a legal case.” – Rowley, Amazon Review
- “I was once a skeptic. It was not a brief reading of one or two apologetic works that convinced me; instead, it was months and months of hard research, with this book as one of the many highlights. I encourage all to read this book!” – L. Gilkerson, Amazon Review
- “In this age of skepticism, this book is more needed than ever. It has been a blessing to my own life, and has been an important part of the spiritual journey of others — including Lee Strobel, who wrote a foreword to the edition that I just purchased.” – David, Amazon Review
- “I have bought this book numerous times because I have given it away numerous times and have to keep re-buying it. For anyone searching for answers about the Christian faith, “Who Moved The Stone?” is a very thought provoking and inspirational place to begin.” – J. Marini, Amazon Review
- “This book is a must-read for anyone who is skeptical (like I was ) and who wants to examine the historical evidences of Christ’s resurrection. Mr. Morison explains how the evidence itself is so convincing that it would take more faith to deny it than to simply accept the truth.” – C. Vanschenck