Who Made God? by Edgar Andrews

Who Made God?: Searching for a Theory of Everything, Edgar Andrews, New Atheism, Richard Dawkins, Christianity, Atheism, Scientific Atheism, book review, books for evangelism, evangelismPresenting scientific and logically sound arguments supporting the Christian worldview, ‘Who Made God?’ is an excellent resource for scientific atheists, agnostics and even skeptics of the Christian faith. 

Written by Professor Edgar Andrews (BSc, PhD, DSc, FInstP, FIMMM, CEng, CPhys.), Emeritus Professor of Materials at the University of London and an international expert on the science of large molecules, Who Made God?: Searching for a Theory of Everything addresses profound questions of science, philosophy and faith as well as exposes the pretensions of the ‘new atheism’ of Richard Dawkins and others. Moreover, Professor Andrews does an excellent job of presenting evidences that points to God and demonstrates how atheists misrepresent scientific issues by claiming to know more than science knows. The author also provides a logically consistent and satisfying alternative which shows that there is more to existence than the material world — the things that make life worth living are mainly non-material. Witty, engaging and written for a common man, ‘Who Made God’ is an excellent resource for skeptics who want to see if Christianity has anything to say about science, scientific atheists and agnostics as well as for believers who wants a point-by-point refutation of the new atheists.

  • “An excellent and important read for anyone – especially those dealing with spiritual doubters whose ability to come to faith is hindered by atheist propaganda unsupported by scientific facts.” – R. Lipe, Amazon Review
  • “Being a Christian I intend to ask a few of my non-believing friends to read this book in the hopes that it can get them to consider a different worldview.” – C. Crosley, Goodreads
  • “If you have a scientifically driven friend or relative who is skeptical about Jesus, this would be a great starting point for him/her.” – D. Bartol, Amazon Review
  • “Professor Andrews will help skeptics discover new reasons to change their minds or at least open them up a bit.” – Anonymous, Amazon Review
  • “This is a very engaging book that is written in an accessible manner. ‘Who made God?’ is enlightening and will leave you looking at our world in a different way.” – S. Frances, Amazon Review
  • “I am prayerful that The Lord would use such a work as this to open the eyes of possibility to an unbeliever so they might honestly seek the truth of Christ crucified, as well as strengthen the faith of the believer.” – T. Hunt, Goodreads

ISBN 0852347073, 304 pages, Publisher – EP Books


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