The Last Jew of Rotterdam by Ernest Cassutto

An excellent resource for Jewish believers and non-believers, this book can help understand how God sustained several Jewish families during the Nazi regime.

The Last Jew of Rotterdam tells the powerful and compelling testimony of Ernest Cassutto who found Jesus Christ in the midst great trials and persecution under the invasion of Nazi Germany in Holland. Raised in the tropical paradise in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) by his secular Jewish parents, his family returned back in the Netherlands in 1934. When the Nazis invaded Holland, Ernest was captured and imprisoned in Rotterdam. He was stripped with freedom and only time can tell when he will experience the same fate as his fiance who was sent to a concentration camp and was killed. Alone in his cell except for a Bible that his Nazi captors allowed him to read, he discovered Jesus Christ and accepted Him. His belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah gave him the strength and courage to keep going . As the war came to a close, Ernest was rescued by a Dutch Christian underground worker. The story of his wife, Elly (who happens to be a friend of Anne Frank) is also included in this book. The Last Jew of Rotterdam is an uplifting read as well as a testament to the sovereignty of God.

  •  “Having lived in Rotterdam, I was moved to tears several times while reading this book. I recommend this book to Jews, Gentiles and even Atheist.” – D. Nederveen, Amazon Review
  • “The book’s message is universal. It helps us develop another, deeply personal face on the number 6,000,000 (holocaust).” – Anonymous, Amazon Review
  • “This book was really uplifting to read. It makes one see that good can come out of such a horrible thing as war.” – Hammond, Amazon Review

ISBN 1881022099, 171 pages, Publisher – Purple Pomegranate Productions 2nd Edition



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