Far from Rome Near to God is a book of hope recommended for Roman Catholics who are truth seekers and wanted to know real salvation.
Edited by Richard Bennett and Martin Buckingham, Far from Rome Near to God contains fifty moving testimonies from priests who found their way by the grace of God out of the Roman Catholic theology and practice into the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
From the back cover : This is not a narrowly polemical work, nor is its relevance limited to the ongoing controversy between Rome and the churches of the Reformation. The love and concern felt by the former priests for those they left behind, and their fervent desire that they too should experience the joy and peace of salvation in Christ are seen throughout. The wider relevance of the experiences described will also be felt in many contexts remote from Roman Catholicism where human pride and presumption have erected rival sources of authority between people and the Word of God, so obscuring the way of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone.
Readers of Far from Rome Near to God will discover interesting accounts from various orders such as the Jesuits, Franciscans, Carmelites, etc.) from all around the world. It also touches briefly on several problematic areas of Catholic teaching such as worship and veneration of Mary, idolatry, transubstantiation, the re-sacrifice of Christ in the Mass and other serious errors.
- “This book is a blessing to me as a former Roman Catholic, now a follower of Jesus Christ; no longer a follower of men’s traditions but of the Living Lord Jesus Christ! I recommend it to all my Catholic friends who are seeking a relationship with God and Jesus Christ.” – Kacy, Amazon “Review
- “This book contained the kind of testimonials I was looking for. I have had some questions about certain elements of the Catholic faith and the stories of these former priests certainly addressed those.” – M. Steelman, Amazon Review
- “This book is probably the best I have yet to read regarding the Roman Catholic Church (RCC). I was looking for something that my brother would be able to read that was too loaded with all the technical RCC doctrines. This is the perfect book to give a Catholic person in search of a great book. It really helps me because I was born and raised Catholic and it confirms that when you are far from Rome you are surely nearer to God.” Anonymous, Amazon Review
- “I’m a former Roman Catholic and I got this book as a gift from a friend. I must admit the evidence in this book is very compelling and if you’re a Catholic struggling with your faith, you need to read this book! A must for all Roman Catholics!” – Roger, Amazon Review
ISBN 1848710208, 346 pages, Publisher – Banner of Truth